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Keyword: right of way

Pieces of Dale Lane solution fall into place in …

Dale Lane remains largely a mess from 163rd Avenue to Surprise’s western border, but talks of solutions to make the road drivable are turning into action.

Redden: Cars have right of way on golf course …

As a golfer, I own a golf car and use all eight Recreation Centers of Sun City owned golf courses.

Buckeye council to run $370,000 water line

The city of Buckeye’s Water Resources Department wants to run a 1.5-mile water reach line. It has $500,000 in its Fiscal 2022 budget to do so. As part of its capital improvement program, …

Scottsdale to approve state land purchase for new ball …

At its upcoming Tuesday, Sept. 14, meeting the Scottsdale City Council will vote to authorize a purchase to the Arizona State Land Department for parcels of land near the intersection of Pima Road …

Peters: Pedestrians have little protection

Thank you for your article (“Street racers invade Sun City”) regarding street racers. I have not seen or heard the racers but am struck by another part of the article. Specifically, …